Weekend Retreat REGISTRATION
With overflowing joy and reverence, the Sadhu Vaswani Center For World Peace humbly announces the Weekend Retreat 2025 in the United States of America with Didi Krishna

Pricing Details
$550 Adult Double Occupancy
$950 Single Occupancy
Children (ages 5-12): $300
Toddlers (4 and under): $200
"*" indicates required fields
For any questions email us at info@sadhuvaswanicenter.com we will respond to you within 24 hours.
Glimpses from the Past Camp
“There is a simple input-output ratio that operates in sadhana; you will get as much out of it as you put into it.”

"Sadhana is as simple as this: let all our thoughts and words and deeds be an offering to the Lord."

"Self discipline, punctuality and time management are very important - for life is short, and every resource you have must be well utilized so that you find enlightenment and liberation - your ultimate goal."