Reverend Dada
J.P. Vaswani

Dada J. P. Vaswani Biography Timeline

Reverend Dada J. P. Vaswani (1918-2018)

Reverend Dada Jashan P. Vaswani was a towering figure of spirituality, admired and loved by millions around the world. He embodied the essence of India’s ancient wisdom traditions, spreading messages of universal love, compassion, and non-violence (ahimsa).  Universally acclaimed as a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of non-violence or ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritualist, Rev. Dada Jashan P. Vaswani captivated the hearts of millions worldwide. In the eyes of many, he was a man who symbolized the true spirit of India, of the rishis (Sages), as a harbinger of love, peace, and hope with his primary teachings of forgiveness for all, his work around compassion for all beings including animals and his constant guidance on selfless service to humanity. On July 12, 2018, twenty-one days before his birth centenary, he dropped his physical frame to reunite with his spiritual Master.

Early Life and Education

Dada was born in Hyderabad, Sindh Province of Pakistan on August 2, 1918. He was born into a Hindu family that was very much influenced by the teachings of the Sikh saint, Guru Nanak. He excelled as a student, earning his B.S. at 17. His Master’s thesis on X-ray scattering, examined by Nobel laureate Dr. C.V. Raman, showcased his original thinking. Despite academic promise, he pursued a spiritual path under his Guru, Sadhu T.L. Vaswani. In February 1949, he along with his spiritual teacher, settled in Pune, India. There Sadhu Vaswani propagated a life of spiritual orientation, promoting the practice of kirtans (group chanting), prayer, meditation, and above all, living for others.

In 1966, when Sadhu T.L. Vaswani shed his physical body, the baton was passed on to Dada J.P. Vaswani. Since then, Dada’s life journey was an embodiment of the ideals of the Guru’s teachings. He continued to travel across India, bringing his master’s message of universal love, compassion, and kindness, to people of all faiths and religions. In 1982, at age 64, Dada began his first overseas journey – spreading the Mission’s vision of Oneness to the four corners of the world. The pilgrimage we need to undertake, according to Dada, is within us. There we shall discover all the holy places, the holy rivers, the holy music. The great Ones, Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Guru Nanak, Gautama Buddha, Jesus…. are all omni-present within us! 

Messenger of Harmony

Dada J.P. Vaswani championed interfaith harmony. He believed in the underlying unity of all religions and encouraged people to celebrate the lives of great spiritual figures from various traditions. His message of “Many Paths, One Goal” resonated with people of all faiths.

Furthering one of the Mission’s core tenets of ‘reverence for all,’ Dada popularized November 25th, Sadhu Vaswani’s birthday, as ‘International Meatless Day’ across the world. On Dada’s birthday, August 2nd, people observe the ‘Moment of Calm’ at 2 pm as part of a global peace initiative that aims at bringing calm to one’s heart through the power of forgiveness and love. Forgiveness, Dada believed, is the key to happiness. 

Prolific Writer and Speaker

To propagate the master’s ideals, Dada edited three monthly journals – the Excelsior, the India Digest, and the East and West series. He served as the Principal of the Mission’s St. Mira’s College for Girls, in Pune, India. He set a living example before teachers and students and was dearly loved by them. Dada authored of over one hundred fifty books in English. His writings reveal practical tips on happy, successful, spiritual, and non-violent living. Many of his books have run into several editions and have been translated into seventeen world languages. Most recently, the Sadhu Vaswani Mission has published the “Anjali Sangraha,” a compilation of spontaneous outpourings of songs composed, written, recited, or sung, by Dada in his lyrical native Sindhi language. This 1,001- page volume comprises of heart felt renderings which are seeped with a deep sense of love and longing, gratitude, and glorification of the Lord. Dada uses the ‘nom de plume,’ ‘Anjali’ in his compositions, which means ‘offering.’

A Life of Service

Despite facing health challenges, Dada J.P. Vaswani maintained a rigorous schedule, traveling extensively to spread his message. Every breath of his being, he maintained, is a gift of God that must be spent in service of the suffering children of humanity. In the newly released biography, “Guru of None, Disciple of All – The Life and Times of Dada J.P. Vaswani,” the author speaks of “his radiant glow, twinkling eyes, energy, and sharp wit.” Dada, she continues, “proves that youth is not a matter of age, but a matter of mind.” Dada J.P. Vaswani’s life and teachings serve as a beacon of hope in today’s world. His legacy of love, peace, and service continues to inspire millions to live more meaningful and compassionate lives.

Under his leadership, the Mission has established 70+ spiritual centers worldwide whose volunteers offer non-denominational service to all communities in need; 18 educational institutions, with approximately 20,000 students of all faiths; 7 hospitals that offer free medical services, heart transplants, cataract surgeries, etc., regardless of caste or creed.

Interfaith Trailblazer

The Sadhu Vaswani Mission and The Sadhu Vaswani Centers across the globe celebrates significant days in the lives of all great beings from all faiths as guided by Dada since the very beginning of the mission. Scriptures from world religions are often read at the Mission’s centers on such occasions. Dada’s homilies were peppered with stories of saints from all religions. He encouraged the faithful to enter into some form a loving relationship with God. “If Lord Krishna is my brother,” he often exclaimed, “then Jesus is my uncle!” Some of Dada’s books that further elucidate his vision for interfaith harmony include, “Many Paths: One Goal,” “Many Scriptures: One Wisdom,” and “Peace or Perish – There Is No Other Choice!” Notable among his books on love and non-violence are: “The Terror Within,” “Face It with Love,” “The Miracle of Forgiving,” and “Dewdrops of Love.” One of the very last books written by Dada in 2018 is a collection of anecdotes, life experiences, practical suggestions, and stories. The book is aptly titled, “Alphabets of Good Life.” The book will mark his enduring gift to the world.

Dada's core teaching was to forgive all.

on aug 2, Global Forgiveness Day Is Observed Annually. this day is also dada's birth anniversary and is now proclaimed as a day to consciously practise forgiveness worldwide by several government bodies.


“Hearts at peace will create world peace,” says Dada J.P. Vaswani, the pioneer of the Global Forgiveness Day.
Man’s original nature is that of calmness and peace. But today, hearts are restless; we are troubled by our own emotions – anger, hatred, resentment, bitterness, and the list goes on. The chaos within hearts creates disharmony in the world we see outside. Our hope to rise above such negative patterns lies in choosing FORGIVENESS as a way of life.

Observance of Global Forgiveness Day therefore is extraordinarily significant. It holds the potential to awaken countless hearts on this planet to experience the transforming power of forgiveness and gain its benefits. On this day, when individuals from across the world choose to forgive and release all negativity stored within they experience lightness, calmness, and happiness. One can only imagine the positive vibrations that will envelope the world! It comes with the promise to create the world anew and can usher in an era that if filled with joy, love, and peace.

Aren’t we all in quest of peace, why not give Forgiveness a try?

Let us all come together wherever we are as one humanity and celebrate Global Forgiveness Day on August 2.

Join us or write to us to know more on how you can participate actively in your community, college or country.

Dada J.P. Vaswani and Global Figures

Dada J.P. Vaswani’s talks are converted into this series for the larger benefit of all humankind with his timeless eternal wisdom that can help at every stage of life. Play on repeat!

Quick Link for Dada’s Books 👇

Find Inner Peace Through Forgiveness

Dada's Global Impact

A Stamp was released in 2023 by the Indian Govt to celebrate Dada
Launch of Dada's Stamp
A Street named after Dada in New Jersey USA

Short Films That Share Dada's messages

Press Links

There is more to life than livelihood

Dada J.P. Vaswani on the need to look beyond materialistic pursuits

A Pilgrimage of Love

Dada Vaswani, the spiritual leader and head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, turned 97 on August 2, 2015. And what a life he has led!


On the way to meet Guru Dada J.P. Vaswani I wasn't quite sure what to think. Just seven days prior I'd had the opportunity to listen to and briefly meet Sri Sri Ravi Shankar...

Dada Vaswani Remembered, NYC Declares Global Forgiveness Day

Global Forgiveness Day aligns with the esteemed spiritual leader’s birthday, making it a fitting occasion to embrace forgiveness as a powerful catalyst for positive change.

Dada's Media Interviews