About Sadhu Vaswani Center

Welcome to the Sadhu Vaswani Center for World Peace, where the seeds of compassion, unity, and forgiveness planted by Sadhu T.L. Vaswani and nurtured by Dada J.P. Vaswani continue to flourish under the loving guidance of Didi Krishna Kumari. We are not just an organization; we are a living embodiment of a vision, a sanctuary for peace seekers, and a global community bound by a common purpose—to create a world where love, forgiveness, and nonviolence are the guiding principles.

Sadhu T.L. Vaswani

Sadhu T.L. Vaswani: A Spiritual Luminary

At the Sadhu Vaswani Center for World Peace, our mission is to inspire and promote a world where the principles of love, forgiveness, and nonviolence serve as the guiding lights of humanity. Our dedication to fostering a global family that transcends boundaries, religions, and cultures is driven by the profound teachings of Sadhu T.L. Vaswani, the compassionate ideals of Dada J.P. Vaswani, and the unwavering leadership of Didi Krishna Kumari.

Our vision is a world where individuals and nations come together in the spirit of unity, understanding, and cooperation. We envision a world where forgiveness heals the deepest wounds, love conquers hate, and nonviolence prevails over conflict. Our commitment to kindness and compassion extends to all living beings, and we advocate for the well-being of animals and the environment through vegan and vegetarian principles.

Legacy of Love

Sadhu Vaswani’s legacy lies in his unwavering commitment to the welfare of humanity. His teachings transcended boundaries and beliefs, promoting harmony and understanding among people from diverse backgrounds. He believed that the path to true spirituality was through compassion, simplicity, and service.

International Meatless Day

One of Sadhu Vaswani’s significant contributions was the popularization of November 25th, his birthday, as ‘International Meatless Day.’ He championed this initiative to promote reverence for all living beings and the adoption of vegetarianism as a means of reducing harm to animals and preserving the environment.

Global Impact

Sadhu Vaswani’s vision knew no limits. His message of love and reverence for all living beings resonated worldwide. His deep spiritual insights and humanitarian endeavors continue to inspire individuals and organizations to this day.

Dada J.P. Vaswani

Dada J.P. Vaswani: A Beacon of Compassion

Revered Dada J.P. Vaswani, a man of science and spirituality, was a true luminary. His life, which spanned from August 2, 1918, to July 12, 2018, was a testament to the harmonious coexistence of pragmatism and timeless wisdom. He was a true luminary and a visionary leader known for his remarkable contributions.

A Visionary Leader

Dada Vaswani’s contributions were multifaceted. As a scientist, a visionary, a well-read scholar, and an educationist, he led the Sadhu Vaswani Mission in Pune, India, a non-sectarian social welfare institution. Through his own living example, he tirelessly spread his Master, Sadhu Vaswani’s message of love, compassion, simplicity, and service.

Global Forgiveness Day

Dada Vaswani’s enduring message of forgiveness is celebrated on August 2 each year as ‘Global Forgiveness Day.’ It is a day dedicated to the universal act of forgiveness, which he championed as a means of healing wounds, fostering love, and promoting peace among individuals and nations.

Global Impact

Dada Vaswani’s message of love, compassion, and forgiveness had a profound global impact. He walked his talk and was a living example leading many who are astray and lost in the outer world of desire and suffering. His simple yet profound teachings, inspired individuals and organizations around the world to embrace love, simplicity, and service. ‘Global Forgiveness Day,’ celebrated on August 2, is a testament to his worldwide influence, promoting forgiveness as a means of healing and fostering peace in diverse communities and nations.

Didi Krishna Kumari

Sadhu T.L. Vaswani: A Spiritual Luminary

Born on May 9, 1961, Didi Krishna Kumari embarked on her spiritual journey at a remarkably young age. She is the current head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission and continues the legacy of her spiritual mentors, Sadhu T.L. Vaswani and Dada J.P. Vaswani.

A Mentor and Speaker

Didi is a mentor to multitudes and a highly sought-after motivational speaker. Her inspirational talks resonate with individuals from all walks of life, offering practical guidance for personal and spiritual growth.

A Writer and Compiler

Didi is an author and compiler of Dada’s inspirational talks, songs, and teachings. Her writings have touched many hearts and continue to spread the message of love, unity, and compassion.

Global Leadership

Didi’s inclusive style of leadership is informed by her deep-rooted spiritual and ethical values. Under her guidance, the Sadhu Vaswani Mission continues to make a positive impact through educational institutions, spiritual centers, and humanitarian projects around the world.

Global Impact

Didi Krishna Kumari’s influence extends across the globe as she travels to various nations, delivering discourses, talks, and inspirational messages. Her worldwide tours serve as a source of motivation and a catalyst for social change, reaching individuals from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Didi’s practical suggestions and spiritual insights resonate with audiences worldwide, offering healing, hope, and guidance to countless souls. Her efforts have not only touched hearts but have also inspired people to come together in the spirit of unity, love, and compassion, making the world a better place.


And DADA'S Visions Extensions

Pune Center

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USA Center

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Global Worldwide Centers

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Legacy of Sadhu Vaswani


Dada J.P. Vaswani

The legacies of Sadhu T.L. Vaswani and Dada J.P. Vaswani are beacons of inspiration, love, and profound spiritual wisdom that continue to illuminate the path of countless individuals and organizations worldwide. Their lives, teachings, and humanitarian endeavors have left an indelible mark on the world, promoting the values of love, compassion, nonviolence, and service.

Sadhu T.L. Vaswani

A Life Of Love And Nonviolence

Sadhu T.L. Vaswani, born on November 25, 1879, in Hyderabad, Sind, Pre-partition India, dedicated his life to the service of humanity and the promotion of universal love and nonviolence. His legacy is a testament to the enduring power of spirituality and compassion.

Key Aspects of His Legacy:

Dada J.P. Vaswani

A Visionary and a Man of Compassion

Dada J.P. Vaswani, born on August 2, 1918, was a visionary who seamlessly blended science and spirituality, pragmatism and timeless wisdom. His legacy is characterized by his commitment to love, forgiveness, and the welfare of all living beings.

Key Aspects of His Legacy:

A Legacy of Love, Compassion, and Service

The legacies of Sadhu Vaswani and Dada Vaswani are intertwined with the principles of love, compassion, and service to humanity. Their teachings transcend borders and beliefs, inspiring individuals and organizations worldwide to come together in the spirit of peace, unity, and understanding. Their commitment to the welfare of all living beings and the promotion of vegetarianism has had a profound and lasting impact on our world, reminding us of the enduring power of love and nonviolence to create a better, more harmonious future for all.

Sadhu Vaswani Center for World Peace

Our Values and Principles

The Sadhu Vaswani Center for World Peace stands as a beacon of hope and a sanctuary for seekers of peace, unity, and compassion. Our values and principles are the guiding lights that illuminate our path toward creating a world where love transcends division, forgiveness mends wounds, and compassion guides our actions. These core values and principles are deeply rooted in the teachings of Sadhu T.L. Vaswani, championed by Dada J.P. Vaswani, and upheld by the unwavering leadership of Didi Krishna Kumari.

Love and Compassion

At the heart of our mission lies a profound commitment to love and compassion. We believe that these universal values have the power to heal the deepest wounds, bridge divides, and foster a sense of oneness among all living beings. Love and compassion are not merely words but the very essence of our existence.

Nonviolence and Reverence for All

The principle of nonviolence is central to our values. We advocate for the peaceful coexistence of all beings and promote reverence for all life forms. This includes advocating for vegetarianism and veganism as a means of reducing harm to animals and protecting the environment.

Interfaith Harmony

We believe in the unity of all religions and the importance of interfaith harmony. Our mission is open to people from all faiths, backgrounds, and walks of life. We aim to create a space where individuals can come together, transcending religious, cultural, and societal boundaries, to foster understanding and peace.

Education and Personal Transformation

Education is a powerful tool for personal and societal transformation. We are dedicated to providing educational programs that inspire individuals to grow spiritually and ethically, thereby becoming agents of positive change in their communities and the world.

Humanitarian Service

Service to humanity is at the core of our principles. We engage in various humanitarian activities, reaching out to those in need and working towards the betterment of society. Our commitment to selfless service is a testament to our dedication to making the world a more just and compassionate place.

Unity and Global Family

We believe in the unity of all living beings and the creation of a global family. Our mission is to bring people from different corners of the world together, fostering a sense of oneness and a shared commitment to peace, justice, and the welfare of all.

Environmental Responsibility

We recognize the importance of environmental responsibility and the need to protect our planet. Promoting vegetarianism and veganism as environmentally friendly choices is a significant part of our principles, contributing to a sustainable and harmonious world.

The Torchbearers’ Legacy

These values and principles are not just philosophical concepts; they are the living legacies of Sadhu T.L. Vaswani, Dada J.P. Vaswani, and the dedicated leadership of Didi Krishna Kumari. Their teachings and actions continue to inspire us, reminding us of the power of love, compassion, and nonviolence in creating a more peaceful and harmonious world. The Sadhu Vaswani Center for World Peace is more than an organization; it is a movement, a sanctuary, and a global community of kindred spirits dedicated to embodying these values and principles in our daily lives. Together, we strive to be the change we wish to see in the world, guided by these timeless ideals.