Get Involved

Welcome to the Sadhu Vaswani Center for World Peace, where the seeds of compassion, unity, and forgiveness planted by Sadhu T.L. Vaswani and nurtured by Dada J.P. Vaswani continue to flourish under the loving guidance of Didi Krishna. We are not just an organization; we are a living embodiment of a vision, a sanctuary for peace seekers, and a global community bound by a common purpose—to create a world where love, forgiveness, nonviolence, and humanitarian service are the guiding principles. 


Volunteering is a powerful way to make a difference. Join our team of dedicated volunteers who actively participate in humanitarian activities, educational programs, and events. Whether it’s lending a helping hand during community service projects or assisting with workshops and events, your time and skills can be a valuable resource.

Attend Workshops and Events

Participating in our workshops and events is an excellent way to connect with like-minded individuals and explore the principles of peace, love, and compassion. Join our gatherings to learn, grow, and be inspired. Check our events calendar for upcoming opportunities.

Support Our Initiatives

Consider contributing to our various programs and initiatives. Your financial support can help us expand our educational outreach, extend humanitarian services, and continue our advocacy for nonviolence, reverence for all life, and interfaith harmony. Your contributions are vital to our mission.

Promote Our Message

Spread the message of love, compassion, and unity to your social circles and communities. Share our resources, articles, and event updates through social media, and help us reach a broader audience. Your voice can be a catalyst for positive change.

Become an Ambassador

If you’re passionate about our mission and eager to be a more active advocate, consider becoming a Peace Ambassador. This role involves working closely with our team to organize events, lead initiatives, and engage with communities in your area.

Partner and Collaborate

Are you part of an organization or group that shares our values and objectives? We welcome collaborations and partnerships that align with our mission of peace and unity. Together, we can amplify our impact and create a more harmonious world.

Explore Our Educational Resources

Visit our website to access a wealth of educational resources, including articles, videos, and e-learning materials. Dive into the teachings and principles that guide our work, and share these resources with others who are on their own journeys of personal growth and transformation.

Join us in our mission to promote peace, compassion, and unity. Your involvement can be a powerful force for positive change in the world. Whether you have time, resources, skills, or simply the desire to be part of a community that aspires to make the world a better place, there’s a place for you at the Sadhu Vaswani Center for World Peace. Together, we can create a world where love and harmony prevail.

Volunteer Opportunities

At the Sadhu Vaswani Center for World Peace, we believe that positive change begins with individuals who are committed to making a difference in the world. Our volunteer opportunities offer you a chance to be part of a global movement dedicated to promoting love, compassion, and unity. Whether you have a few hours to spare or are looking for a more significant commitment, there are various ways to get involved and contribute to our mission.

Volunteer Opportunities

Join our community service projects that make a tangible impact on the lives of individuals in need. Whether it’s organizing food drives, participating in clean-up initiatives, or volunteering at local shelters, your contributions can help create a more compassionate and caring community.

Educational Outreach

Assist in our educational programs by volunteering your time and expertise. These programs aim to inspire personal growth and transformation, and your involvement can help others on their journeys of self-discovery. Share your knowledge and skills through workshops, seminars, and mentoring opportunities.

Event Support

Our workshops, seminars, and events provide opportunities for individuals to come together to explore the principles of peace, compassion, and unity. Volunteers play a crucial role in organizing and facilitating these gatherings. Help ensure that our events run smoothly and that participants have a meaningful experience.

Digital Advocacy

In the digital age, your online presence can make a significant impact. Contribute to our digital advocacy efforts by sharing our resources, articles, and event updates on social media platforms. Your voice can help us reach a broader audience and inspire positive change.

Organizing Fundraisers

If you have a passion for fundraising, you can assist in organizing events to support our initiatives. Your efforts can help raise essential funds for educational programs, humanitarian activities, and advocacy work, ensuring that our mission continues to thrive.

Become a Peace Ambassador

For those looking to take a more active role in our mission, consider becoming a Peace Ambassador. This role involves working closely with our team to organize events, lead initiatives, and engage with communities in your area. Peace Ambassadors are instrumental in promoting the values of love, compassion, and unity.

Donation and Support

Join a Global Community of Change-Makers

By volunteering with us, you become part of a global community of change-makers dedicated to making the world a better place. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, gain new experiences, and make a positive impact in the lives of others. Additionally, you’ll find personal fulfillment in contributing to a cause that aligns with your values.

We welcome volunteers of all backgrounds, skills, and levels of experience. Your dedication and passion are what matter most. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or wish to take on a more significant commitment, there’s a place for you in our mission. Together, we can sow the seeds of love, compassion, and unity to create a world where peace is not just an ideal but a lived reality. Get involved today and be a part of the positive change.